Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Type Specimen Fourth Draft

Probably not the final version. But possibly the last round of significant changes. Among others, the major changes:
(1) "Notes" messed up/misprinted using photocopies, ink, tape, and tearing.
(2) All MrsEaves body text replaced with Ehmcke HTF--in class, the former was described to me as being over-used and best suited now for "Martha Stuart Living."
(3) "...Hypnogogic Images" changed to Gravur Condensed Light
(4) "Adults" spread was totally reworked: less decay and mess, more playful; text box added; arrows added; type added to the illustration, etc.
(5) Left page of "Jet spread" reworked: created a "Lubalin puzzle" to match the right side; made the left side less heavy.
(6) Three columns under the "R" page; right side, "See Saw," reworked
(7) New Typography for "Get up you old cow"
(8) "Ex-posed" spread eliminated

1 comment:

  1. G. is still having trouble commenting on the blog. Here is what she emailed to me instead:


    like all your changes.

    great job.

    have a few tweaks:

    make "adults" smaller

    kern "which embarrassed me"

    make "the see saw" lower case

    really good.

    move onto the book covers."
